CHAP Training Pre-Session

On November 6, 2023, the online Pre-Session course was updated. The Pre-Session was reviewed and thoughtfully revised. The course has 8 lessons and should take a trainee an average of 8 hours to complete. Distance Learning Network. There is no curriculum for Pre-Session and each THO is able to decide what it wants their CHA-Trainees to learn.
This Pre-session Skills Checklist has also been revised. This is a guide and each THO can edit the skills to fit their needs.

To enroll a Trainee in the Pre-Session course, a THO designee will need to email the name and email with the address of the Trainee. Emails will be accepted on the 1st and 15th of the month. There is a completion certificate once the online Pre-Session course is completed. This should be included in the student’s Session 1 Basic Training application.