ANTHC CHAP Forum Update
October 25th, 2022 by Kyle von BoseHere is some important information regarding the ANTHC CHAP Forum scheduled for Monday, November 7 through Friday, November 11, 2022. It will be located at the Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center located at 600 West 7th Avenue on the second floor in the Boardroom also known as K’enakatnu 6. Breakfast and lunch will be catered daily. Attached are pictures of the draft agenda, the floor plan showing where the Boardroom is located at the Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center, available parking in downtown Anchorage along with another picture of the parking addresses. If you choose to stay at the Hotel Captain Cook, there are single and double occupancy rooms for $150 per night, refer to Alaska Native Tribal Health Organization for this rate. Valet parking at this hotel is $36 daily or self-park for $30 daily.
The Awards Ceremony will be at the Egan Civic Convention Center on Wednesday, November 9, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm located at 555 West 5th Avenue in the La Peruse Banquet room along with Behavioral Health Aides and Dental Health Aides. There is time allotted to commute between the two locations. We’re excited to see you face-to-face after a few years, since 2019!
Please bring your iPads or smartphones for eventmobi registration and survey completion for each session. We’re excited to see you face-to-face after a few years, since 2019!