DARC Dental Academic Review Committee
The Dental Academic Review Committee (DARC) is a statewide group representing Dental Health Aides, Instructors, and Field Supervisors. The Dental Academic Review Committee develops all aspects of Dental Health Aide training, including developing curriculum and training standards. This committee is a subcommittee of the Alaska Community Health Aide Program Certification Board.
Dental Academic Review Committee Members
Name | Organization | |
Erin Giauque, DMD DARC Chair | esgiauque@anthc.org | Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium |
Savannah Bonorden, DHATP DARC Vice Chair | savbon@searhc.org | Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium |
Amanda Stein, RDH DARC Secretary | amanda.stein@arcticslope.org | Arctic Slope Native Association |
Judith Burks, DDS CHAP CB Representative | judith_burks@ykhc.org | Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation |
Charles Truncale, DMD | cctruncale@anthc.org | Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium |
Sarah Shoffstall-Cone, DDS, MPH | sshoffstallcone@anthc.org | Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium |
David Cowling, DDS | dcowling@aisu.org | Annette Island Service Unit |
Joe Stalmaster | jstalmaster@bbahc.org | Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation |
Erik Linduska, DHAT | erik.linduska@kodiakhealthcare.org | Kodiak Area Native Association |
Rebecca Filan, DMD | rebecca.filan@maniilaq.org | Maniilaq Health Center |
Mark Kelso, DDS | mkelso@nshc.org | Norton Sound Health Corporation |
Elizabeth Mallott, RDH | escott@searhc.org | Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium |
Abby DeBonis, DDS | adebonis@southcentralfoundation.com | Southcentral Foundation |
Christine Ho, DDS | christine.ho@tananachiefs.org | Tanana Chiefs Conference |
Questions? Please feel free to email the DARC Committee at: akadarc@anthc.org